

Nýjar upplýsingar um félagafjölda í klúbbunum

Frá aðalstöðvum Rotary International hafa borist tilmæli um að forráðamenn rótarýklúbbanna yfirfari fyrirliggjandi upplýsingar á vefsvæði Rotary International um félagatölu hvers klúbbs, samkvæmt nánari leiðbeiningum. Skilaboðin í heild fylgja hér með.

"Enclosed is the report listing the Rotary clubs in your district and their 2015 – 16 starting membership figures.  These figures are based on the club billing/invoice data submitted by the clubs to RI through 1 July 2015.  Adjustments will not be made if the club submitted membership info after 1 July 2015. 

The 1 July member count has also been updated online for your review, please visit the RI website and navigate to Take Action > Rotary Club Central > Club View, under the ‘Your Club' tab in the Membership Trends section.  As you review the data and reports in Rotary Club Central you will notice that due to the new club billing/invoice, membership reports on the web were updated to measure from 1 July to 1 July instead of  1 July to 30 June year end as on previous reports.  You will also receive monthly email messages containing an attachment of the updated ‘Comparison to Start Figures' report.

Please feel free to forward this message and attached report to your District Membership Chairs and Assistant Governors.  Remember to send your membership report request or questions to for timely response."



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