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The Rotary Foundation and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
The Rotary Foundation and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, which are working together to tackle the world's water and sanitation crisis, this year will award a limited number of scholarships for graduate students at UNESCO-IHE's Delft campus in the Netherlands. The partnership aims to increase the number of trained professionals who can devise, plan, and implement water and sanitation solutions in developing areas. The scholarships also are designed to promote long-term productive relationships between Rotarians and skilled water and sanitation professionals in their communities.
Scholarship applications, for studies in 2015-17, can be submitted online. Please see the overview for more details. Additional information also is available in the application tool kit, the club/district application and scholarship terms and conditions. Applications are due by 15 June . (an extension from the original deadline of 15 May).
If you have questions or concerns, please contact