

Konur í rótarý

Vinur minn og rótarýfélagi, Norm Winterbottom (heimasíða hans), sem hefur sérstakan áhuga á sögu rótarý, hefur sett saman smákafla um konur í rótarý, að beiðni minni. Ég læt hana flakka hér óþýdda:


Women in Rotary ? A Potted History


The predominantly dependent status of women in western societies changed irrevocably during World War II as women filled occupations previously the domain of men when the men were called upon to serve in the armed forces.  This change accelerated with the growth of the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s.  Throughout the course of  nearly seven decades of Rotary?s history has run the thread of the debate of women as members, yet the first constitution of the Chicago Club #1, adopted in January,1906, makes no reference to gender, referring only to ?persons.?


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